VELMA Law supports the realisation of human rights by contributing to society and seeks to meet its responsibility to respect human rights.
Responsibility to Respect Human Rights
VELMA Law strives to meet its responsibility to respect human rights by not infringing on human rights and addressing negative human rights impacts with which VELMA Law may be involved through its operations and business relationships. VELMA Law understands human rights to be, at a minimum, those outlined in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
The responsibility to respect human rights applies to all officers and employees of VELMA Law. VELMA Law expects its clients, business partners and other parties whose own impacts may be directly linked to VELMA Law’s operations, products or services to respect and not infringe upon human rights, and will respond appropriately where they are not respecting human rights.
Relationship to VELMA Law’s Values and Policies
VELMA Law is aware that as a business enterprise it is a member of society and can contribute to creating an environment in which human rights are respected. Meeting the responsibility to respect human rights is key to operating as a responsible business, and is accepted to be a baseline expectation for all businesses.
Implementing the Responsibility to Respect Human Rights
VELMA Law is committed to meeting the responsibility to respect human rights through implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
VELMA Law will develop and implement on going human rights due diligence. Due diligence processes will include identifying and assessing potential and actual human rights impacts, and taking appropriate action to prevent or mitigate risks.
Where VELMA Law identifies that it has caused or contributed to a negative human rights impact, VELMA Law will provide for or cooperate in legitimate processes to provide remediation.
VELMA Law adheres to national laws and regulations. If VELMA Law were to face a conflict between internationally recognised human rights and national laws, VELMA Law will seek to follow processes that look for ways to honour the principles of international human rights.