VELMA Law, Dar es Salaam Tanzanian Law Firm 1200 627
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VELMA Law, Dar es Salaam Tanzanian Law Firm 310 310

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The Bill Supplement – Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No 2) 2024 issued on 26 June 2024 proposes to amend the Immigration Act CAP 54 and Land Act CAP 113 as follows:

Immigration Act

  1. New definitions in the Immigration Act, such as:
    • Diaspora Tanzanite Card
    • illegal immigrant
    • order of departure
    • smuggling of immigrants
    • special status
    • Tanzania non-citizen diaspora
  2. Obligations on the Commissioner General of Immigration to issue a prohibited immigrant notice to any person who is a prohibited immigrant.
  3. Permit the Commissioner General of Immigration to issue an order of departure to any person who is a prohibited immigrant.
  4. Reduction to 2 years for a residence permit (instead of initial 3 years) and re-wording section 32(2) of the Immigration Act.
  5. New sections 36A, 36B, 36C, 36D, 36E and 36F to regulate grant of Special Status to Tanzania non-citizen diaspora.

Land Act

  1. New definition in the Land Act of Special Derivative Right  as a right to occupy and use land granted by the Commission[er] pursuant to section 19(1A) and including a lease, sub- lease, licence, usufructuary right and any interest analogous to those interests.
  2. New sections 19(1A), (1B) and (1C) so that a person may be granted a Special Derivative Right if there is special status because:
    • person has a Diaspora Tanzanite Card issued under the Immigration Act; or
    • company is incorporated under the Companies Act with (A) majority shareholders have Diaspora Tanzanite Cards and (B) minority shareholders are Tanzanian citizens.
  3. Special Derivative Right can be granted in respect of general land or village land.
  4. Special Derivative Right shall terminate upon revocation of special status as provided under the Immigration Act.

NOTE: This has been prepared for general information purposes for any interested persons, it is not comprehensive information on the subject matter and it should not be regarded as legal advice.

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