VELMA Law is proud to have been of assistance with it’s pro bono work to set up, and continue to assist, Tanzania Sea Rescue with its legal and constitutional…
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Many thanks to Captain James for taking VELMA Law to the Fungu Yassin sand bank off Dar es Salaam on Friday 6 May 2016
VELMA Law is delighted to announce that a founder partner Victoria Lyimo Makani has been appointed as a High Court Judge of Tanzania with immediate effect from Saturday, 26 July…
VELMA Law is delighted report that Angel has just won and retained her title at the Kenya Ladies Coast Open in Mombasa last week and in July won the Zimbabwe…
VELMA Law is proud to sponsor Angel Eaton in her endeavours to break into the professional circuit and become the first woman Professional Golfer in Tanzania. VELMA Law will assist Angel with…
VELMA Law is very pleased to support Tanzanian sporting development and pay for the flights to South Africa for 2 sailing instructors Philemon Nasari and Hassan Said to attend on behalf of the Tanzanian Sailing…
VELMA Law is delighted to assist One Design Club laser sailers to take part in the Uganda Laser Open 2013.
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